Information on completing the Master's degree
Are you ready to complete your Master's degree?
- Do you know the date of the next board examination?
(ATTENTION – The deadline for submission is four weeks beforehand!) - Have you passed all the required examinations as required in the curriculum?
- Have any individual equivalences required already been approved by the programme representative/dean of studies?
- Have you defined your specialisation/branch of study/elective subject group and selected all the electives required for it?
- Have you completed sufficient requirements that are to be entered as free electives?
- Have you taken all the necessary steps for the timely formal completion and binding of your Master's thesis in MU-Online?
- Have you clarified as to whether the Master's thesis is to be blocked and, if so, have you signed the blocking request and saved it to upload?
- Have you registered with your chair for the Defensio?
- Have you filled the declaration of non-binding character out, had it stamped and saved it for upload?
- Have you filled out the survey form for the study-related stay abroad (UhStat 2) and saved the confirmation for upload?
- Attention: the survey on study-related stays abroad still needs to be filled out and uploaded even if you have not completed a study-related stay abroad!
- Master's Thesis Checklist
Did you answer all these questions with yes?
Then start right away by submitting your Master's degree here!
And hand in a bound copy of your Master's thesis PERSONALLY at the SSC reception at least ten working days before the defensio
In case of any uncertainties or questions, we will be happy to help you at graduation(at)!
After successfully passing the defensio, you will receive an invitation from the Office of the Rectorate one week before the graduation ceremony with the organisational details.
Registration/deregistration for the ceremony is required in any case!
The Montanuniversität Leoben Alumni Club is looking forward to having you join.
Guideline for the submission of the Master's thesis
Registration Guide Master Thesis Agreement
- First formal registration of your Master's thesis in MU-Online (Agreement for Master's thesis) in cooperation with your chair.
- Coordinate the content of the abstract with your supervisor.
- Check the abstract for typing and spelling errors.
- The title entered must match the title of the electronic and bound versions!
Key words
- Enter the keywords in German and English.
- Separate them with – space – semicolon – space.
Co-operation partners
- If the thesis was written in cooperation with a company, the name of the company must be entered as "Cooperation partner".
Title page
- The title page available on the business card in MU-Online must be integrated into the uploaded and bound final version.
Statutory declaration/Affidavit
- Download the affidavit available in the download center and on MU-Online – upload the signed document, but do not include the signed version in either the printed or uploaded master’s thesis. Instead, insert an unsigned version directly after the title page in both the printed and uploaded versions.
Consent form
- Download and sign the consent form available for the abstracts and enclose it with the printed final version of the thesis, but do not bind it!
Blocking request
- A blocking request (via the menu item "Abschlussarbeiten" / "Sperren") can be submitted for a maximum of 5 years. The reasons must credibly demonstrate that important legal or economic interests of the graduate are at risk.
Uploading the full text in MU-Online (the final version is to be uploaded and submitted electronically in abstract (PDF/A format)).
- The thesis is to be submitted at the latest 15 working days before the defensio by clicking on the last button "Complete now and inform supervisor".
Assessment of academic success
Determination of subject grades
- ECTS-weighted average of all individual grades
- Figures after the decimal point greater than 0.5 are rounded up
- The total of all credited free electives counts as the examination subject "Free Electives".
Distinction in the Master's programme
- No subject grade worse than "good".
- The number of subject grades of "excellent" is at least as high as the number of subject grades of "good".
- Assessment of the defensio as "excellent"
- Assessment of the Master's thesis "excellent". This grade does not count towards the examination subject grades from points 1 and 2